With the ongoing Evolutionary Journey of Bedsheets, a constant one is Handcrafted Bedsheets. Handcrafted bedsheets will always be unique in their nature and style as these are made by different artisans from different regions with different cultural values, who work round the clock to make bedsheets with different types of weaving techniques and extraordinary designs. It requires a lot of patience and concept to make this mesmerizing bedsheet.

Handcrafted Bedsheets made by artisans are not only beautiful and unique but also eco-friendly as it is made with natural fabrics and dyes. Which needs a huge effort and consumes less water and energy.

Today we will discuss a little about types of Handcrafted Bedsheets as well. A few of them are as follows –

  • Hand Block Print – Hand block print was invented back over 2000 years ago in China. Then it used to be printed in Silk material after which it got introduced to India where it became a huge part of India’s textile industry. Majorly it is practiced in Rajasthan. It is done with a carved block made of wood and then dipped in dye and pressed onto the cloth creating designs.
  • Embroidered Bedsheets – Embroidery is an art form that was started long back. It is an ancient form of needlework that was then used to communicate thoughts with the help of needles, threads, embellish, and other materials. Artisans use different techniques and a variety of stitches to deliver different types of clothing and bedsheets.
  • Hand Painted Bedsheets – Fabric painting was introduced thousands of years ago in Asia. And then eventually spread to other parts of Asia, Europe, and Africa. Which is now also recognized on a global platform. Artisans do this with different brushes, fabric paints on bedsheets, and other materials and this artform is in high demand.
  • Applique Bedsheets – The word Applique came from French or Latin meaning to join or attach. This technique was earlier used to strengthen the torn areas of clothes but later it became a fashion. Applique is a piece or patch of fabric that is designed in different shapes and patterns to make different designs. Mostly it is used in garments and bedsheets with the technique of sewing either by hand or machine.

Inventions will never come to an end.

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